Privacy Policy
Your privacy and personal data is a fundamental commitment of MASTER-PROF to our website visitors.
We advise you to read this Privacy Policy before navigate through our website.

Purposes of data processing
Your personal information can be used to provide you with important information about the services you have subscribed to, including updates and notifications. Additionally, with your consent, we may send commercial information about MASTER-PROF products and services and its partners.
The personal information you provide will not be shared with third parties. The personal data collected on this website will be processed and stored within the European Union. As described below, you can access your personal data and request its updating or elimination, according to the law, by sending an application to:

Other types of information provided by you
Through the response to inquiries and participation in promotions or discounts, it gives us information about your preferences regarding products and services, reasons to buy a product and information about your lifestyle. This helps us to know more about your purchasing preferences so we can better adapt to your tastes and preferences.

Security data
MASTER-PROF is committed to protect and secure your personal data. We use a variety of security technologies and procedures to help protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

Cancellation or change data
It is the right of all our customers to cancel or change their data. If you decide to stop being part of MFMartins S.A.’s Database, please contact us through our email

Changes to the Privacy Policy
Occasionally, MASTER-PROF will update this Privacy Policy.
We ask you to periodically review this document to keep you informed on how to help protect the personal data we collect. Your use of the Service constitutes your agreement to the terms of this Privacy Policy and any updates.